Tamsin Green l Scale & Substance
© Tamsin Green
Photofusion presents Scale & Substance, the first solo exhibition by artist and architect Tamsin Green. Using fieldwork, she investigates the underlying systems and language that we use to make sense of the landscape.
The exhibition interweaves two bodies of work made within a five-year period: Born of the Purest Parents, an exploration of the culture, landscape, and language of salt, and this is how the earth must see itself, where the Ordnance Survey mapping system and symbols are used as a guide to explore the English Coastline.
Tamsin works iteratively, using the artist book as a medium to examine her findings, often combining photographs, archival material, text, and drawings. "We are particularly proud to present Tamsin's first solo show. The ambition and quality of the work in this exhibition is extraordinary. Tamsin's first book, "Born of Purest Parents," was developed over the course of a peer support and creative development workshop at Photofusion in 2016. We have continued to support Tamsin through our monthly Saturday Sessions, and our annual members' shows "Salon" and "Select." The exhibition is a wonderful example of Photofusion's long-term support for artists as they develop their practices and progress their careers." Kim Shaw, Art Director at Photofusion.
Published by manual.editions on occasion of the exhibition, the text based publication Scale & Substance features writing by Eugenie Shinkle, Tamsin Green, Ursula K. Le Guin, and an interview with the artist by Photofusion Director Kim Shaw. View the publication here: https://www.manualeditions.com/scalesubstance
Private View & Publication Launch: 17 March 2022 – Photofusion Gallery.
Exhibition: 18th March - 22nd April 2022.
Tamsin Green in conversation with Sid Motion and Dafna Talmor: 31 March 2022 – Photofusion Gallery. You can read the interview here & listen here on our Soundcloud.
Artist book workshop: 22, 24, 26 March, 9 April 2022 - Online & Photofusion.
This workshop is for photographic artists who have a project that they wish to make into a book. Topics will include visual communication, environmental approaches to book making, book structures and binding, as well as development and review of participants book dummies.